Road-trip to Sekinchan, Kuala Selangor

I always get into the unexpected trip because unplanned things seems to be much better and pretty happening. This plan pop up on my mind last Friday as my friend were talking about she wants to do some photography then I come up with this idea as I know Sekinchan have a breathtaking view of a paddy field and its definitely a right place for photography.
So, on 4th June 2016 we do a road-trip to Sekinchan!

This is the first time been here. Sekinchan is a small town located in Sabak Bernam, Selangor. It is a major rice producing area and also a fishing village.There is a huge paddy field which is such a beautiful scene. You should arrived there early morning so you can feel a fresh air with a beautiful view of paddy field while sun is rising up! It only took 1.5 hour from Shah Alam to Sekinchan. We arrived around 9 am.

You might want to check the paddy season before going to Sekinchan. The best time to go is before the paddy harvested because you will see the sea of a green color with the bright blue sky. Can you imagine that? What a beautiful view!

Image from

Unfortunately, the paddy already turned to golden yellow which is ready for harvest. But it still look beautiful. What I loves most is, I can drive right beside the paddy field and can see the paddy closed to my eyes! Trust me, you will really enjoy the view, you can stop whenever you see a beautiful spot, take photo. Then continue drive, and stop again. You can see the birds flying, farmer doing work, there's a tree and plants along the road, see village house, see village people, and many more! 

By the way, the weather is freaking hot and my head getting spinning. So we decided to visit Paddy Processing Factory which is situated in the center of the paddy field. Paying RM5 for the entrance fee, you can see and learn how paddy processed until the packaging. 

After finished, we went out from the paddy area and look for a sweet Mango at the roadside in Sekinchan. A few type of mango which is Sweet mango, honey mango and sweet sour. I bought some sweet mango to bring back, and also there's fresh mango juice at only RM2 for grande size cup!
We decided to head back to Shah Alam at 2pm as the weather is too hot and I my head still spinning.

I am sorry because I have no idea what to eat in Sekinchan. I know there's a seafood spot but i couldn't recommend any because I havent try at all. Apart of paddy field, you may also visit Pantai Redang and Firsherman Whaft. I have to skip visit these place because I'm not feeling well.

Well, I hope we can visit Sekinchan again in different season, so we will have a chance to see the green paddy! Goodbye Sekinchan! xoxo

Permohonan Visa ke China 2016

Assalamualaikum semua..

Dah tengok tajuk kan? Hehehe. Cik F nak kongsikan macam mana nak apply Visa ke China ni. Susah ke senang? Jawapannya sangat2 lah senang. Cik F akan ke China pertengahan bulan ni jadi mmg perlu lah untuk memohon China Visa ni. Sekurang-kurangnya buat sebulan sebelum tarikh berangkat ya. Sebab visa xkan siap on the spot ye kawan2. Ia mengambil masa 4 hari bekerja.

Ok. Back to the topic. Basically, Visa China ini di perlukan jika anda nak melawat negara China. Tetapi, jika nk pergi ke Hongkong, Macau & Taiwan, Visa tidak di perlukan. passport je dah cukup.

Visa terbahagi kepada dua kategori iaitu Single Entry (boleh masuk sekali shj dlm masa 3 bulan) & Double Entry (2x masuk dlm masa 3 bulan). Cik F apply yg single entry je.

Macamana nak apply? Cik F list kan step by step supaya senang korang nak nak follow nanti. Huhu

1. Pergi ke website China Visa Application dulu kat SINI
2. Jika nak isi secara online, boleh buat di SINI. Selepas siap isi semua maklumat yang di perlukan, print borang tersebut dan tandatangan korang ya. Borang ni nanti korang akan kepilkan bersam dokumen lain semasa nak submit application
3. Jika nak isi secara manual, maksudnya korang nak tulis2 sendiri, print borang ni kat SINI, pastu isi la maklumat yg diperlukan menggunakan pen hitam dan tandatangan.
4. Selepas selesai isi borang dan siap tandatangan, sila sediakan supporting document seperti yg di bawah pula:
    * Passport Original
    * Salinan muka depan passport
    * Gambar passport latar belakang cerah (putih, biru). Pergi kedai cakap nak tgkap gambar utk buat
       Visa Cina.
    * Itinerary ke China - senaraikan tempat - tempat yg korang nak melawat
    * Tiket penerbangan
    * Confirmation booking hotel

    * Atau apa-apa lagi yg korang nak tambah. Yg kat atas ni dah mencukupi.

Registration From

Contoh Slip Kutipan
Semua dokumen-dokumen yg Cik F senaraikan di atas, korang kepilkan bersama borang pendaftaran yg korang dah isi tadi ye. Make sure complete ya sebelum korang pergi pejabat utk pendaftaran tu.

Selapas siap semua di atas, korang boleh bergerak ke office mereka beralamat di :

Address: Level 5 & 6, Hampshire Place Office, Jalan Mayang Sari, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Business hours:
Business Hours:Monday-Friday. Closed on Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays.
Submission of applications: 9:00 to 15:00.
Payment and collection: 9:00 to 16:00.

Contact information
Call: 603 2176 0888   
Fax: 603 2161 2234

Ok. Dah sampai office tu, sila ambil nombor giliran. Bila dah sampai giliran, pergilah ke kaunter dan bagi kat officer tu. Dia akan check dokument tu. Bila semua dah complete and good to go, dia akan bagi kat korang slip untuk collection Visa korang tu. Kat slip tu akan tulis bila tarikh boleh dtg ambil. Biasanya 4 hari bekerja sharp. Pembayaran di buat pada hari nak collect Visa tu ye.

Untuk collection, bawak collection slip dan duit mengikut jenis Visa yg korang apply tu. Dah siap semua, korang dah Good to go ke China!

Untuk single entry, harga Visa ialah RM.88.30. Rate dia pon berubah2. Dulu dalm RM58 je. Huhu
Korang boleh check rate Visa tu kat SINI.

Ape lagi ye nk bagitahu, rasanya tu je kot. Harap2 maklumat ni boleh membantu korang la ye.

Cik F